Wednesday, 28 August 2013

By jove - I think they've done it!

By jove, I think they've done it!  The Conservative Administration at West Berkshire Council really have pulled out all the stops to reduce traffic congestion around the Thatcham level crossing!
I popped down there to see what was happening and there wasn't a car in sight from any directon!

Looking up Pipers Lane

However, motorists are asking why the crossing has been closed for three weeks. forcing vehicles to take long and arduous alternative routes, only to find that nearby roads are being resurfaced causing even more traffic queues and congestion on the local road network.

Looking up Station Road

The new road scheme at the Thatcham level crossing costs £83,000 in total. The study cost £13,300,
50% from a members bid and £50% from S106 developer contribution.

The cost of implementing the right turn lane into the Thatcham Sorting Office, is approximately £70,000, which would be paid from existing S106 contributions. This includes resurfacing.

Is £83,000 spent on this new road scheme value for money? Well in three weeks time when the level crossing is reopened, we will be able to judge if a right turn lane into the Thatcham Sorting Office, for three vehicles, has made any impact on reducing traffic congestion at the Thatcham level crossing.

Has the Administration pressed the rail company hard, to come up with answers as to how they might free up the level crossing, so that traffic can pass through it more frequently to reduce the long queues?

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